Friday, February 5, 2010

Winter blues

I'm ready for spring.  I'm ready for warmer weather, and no winter coat, and when I see the sun shining it is actually warm outside instead of deceptively frigid cold.  I have this love/hate relationship with winter.  I don't want to live without it because I find it a necessary cycle in our seasons and snow can be a beautiful thing (nothing like being cozy next to a fire while the snow is falling outside- picturesque right?).  But, at the same time, I'm an outdoorsy type of girl (something I have only come to realize in the past couple of years) and walking outside aimlessly is one of my favorite things to do.  Bundling up with my winter coat, hat, gloves, scarf, and stepping outside for a walk when its cold just doesn't bring the same satisfaction than stepping outside without any coat and feeling the warm sun on my skin.

Honestly, I think I'm just ready for any change and the weather is the one thing every one can talk about and focus on.  Think about it...whats the one thing everyone kicks off a conversation with?  There are two choices: either, How are you? or Have you noticed how crazy this weather is?  It makes me laugh.  I wish people would just jump right to the point sometimes.  I often start my conversations with my close friends as if we had already been talking for awhile.  What is the point of talking about the weather when I called you to talk about something entirely different?  I'm rambling.  Back to the point.

I need a change and I know one is coming up.  Well several actually.  I am starting class to become a health counselor finally after waiting months for the in person classes to start.  This means new people, new situations, trips to the city-which could mean a whole slew of new adventures and of course me getting lost inevitably.  I'm completely aware of this change coming up and instead of focusing on my excitement I keep focusing on how I'm ready for change, which doesn't help at all.  Do you find yourself doing that?  Focusing on the negative aspects of a situation instead of being hopeful and zeroing in on the positive. 

Experiment for the day: Whenever a negative thought or bodily tension comes up, instead of fighting it, explore it, ask it questions, and then find what you can learn from it.  I realize I may be frustrated with my status quo as of right now, but 1. we can always count on change, and 2. there is something to learn from every single situation, we only have to search for the lesson.

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