Thursday, March 18, 2010

Smile and the world smiles back

I had a major shift in my consciousness the past week.  I let go.  After three and a half years of trying to gain control of my life, my surroundings, my weight, my happiness...I just let go.  Let's back up....I have been re-committing myself to yoga lately (I am going on my seventh day of consecutive yoga woohoo).  I have found that by letting myself be active when I want and rest when I need to and balancing all actions appropriately without over-thinking every tiny little thing, I naturally find balance by the end of the day.  I can't stop smiling.  It rises out of me from nowhere because I realize all the things I was worrying about are trivial.  Everything sorts itself out.  Everything is constantly changing.  We really have no control over our lives, but the more we tune in to how we are feeling we can automatically remedy anything that feels off.  That way we stay in tune with our needs instead of ignoring and pushing ourselves to keep going despite obvious signals (sickness, migraines, fatigue, irritability) telling us to slow down or speed up. 

We want to believe we are in control.  To live in a world where nothing is in our control is very scary; that anything could happen at any possible moment.  Instead of viewing our lack of control as a scary concept we can choose to look at this with a positive outlook.  How wonderful it is to live this life of unpredictability!  Anything is possible any second of the day.  In every "negative" instance there is always a positive skew.  It takes practice and it takes work but with time one can see every situation as a blessing.  Think about all the mistakes, heart breaks, and turbulent times you have been through in the past and then think about where you are today.  How much have you learned?  How are you different?  How have those instances altered your frame of mind? 

I thank my lucky stars for my hard times because they have made me who I am today and I love who I am today.  I wish the same for all of you.  That you are able to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say, " I love you." Your self love is all you need.  When you shine from the inside out others can tell your brilliance is truly genuine and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.  You are happy and others see you as a happy person which makes you happier.  As a side note, if you are not happy right now; if you are struggling to even get out of bed in the morning the only advice I would have is 1.  let yourself feeeeel your emotions.  Don't deny yourself grief, sadness, and self expression, or even tears.  2. let yourself smile.  Humor heals all so even in the dark of the night you can keep a twinkle in your eye because these times too shall pass. 

Let go, soften, open yourself, breath, smile, laugh.

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