Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In the zone

I was never an avid exerciser when I grew up (kind of how I became the theatre geek)...but when I got into college I began running and unfortunately ran so much I tore my hamstring and had to take three months off from exercise entirely (of course there is more to that story but that is the general gist of what happened). It has taken me years to strengthen up my legs to begin to run again and I just began again. I swear there is nothing more liberating than when you get "in the zone" and all of a sudden you can feel your entire body move as one and feel every single muscle in your body working as hard as it can to keep you moving. I think it is the only time when my brain isn't thinking or trying work through something else because there is only one thing for me to focus on...to keep moving.

The only other time I get this sensation is when I am in the car, driving on the highway, with my music blaring...I get the same kind of rush and clearness in my head that everything in life is alright; that there is nothing really to worry about because right here and right now everything just fits....mental block...thats all I got for now...more to come later.

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