Friday, October 2, 2009

The rush of life

I know I know...It has been almost a week since I have written, which doesn't exactly go along with my promise to write every day does it? Its amazing how caught up with life we get. The things we put at the top of our list slowly get pushed to the bottom. I found myself sitting around thinking about how I should write, about how it makes me feel better to get the thoughts out of my head and into the universe but I was stuck in my head about what I ought to do instead of actually taking action.

I find that this happens to a lot of people. We make all these plans and decisions but when it comes down to action time we get stuck. Why is this? Are we afraid of committing? Failing? Fear? I know every situation is different, but why is it we get caught up with our emotions instead of just taking action? I know there are benefits to thinking through things and having foresight in mind before taking action (something I am still working on...I tend to get caught up in a moment instead of thinking ahead to the consequences), but when does it get to the point when there is too much thinking and not enough action.

I signed up to become a health counselor. That's a health counselor hahah. If you had told me when I was in my "I'm going to be an actress!" phase that I would be submerged in the yogic, healthy conscience world...I would have laughed in your face. But after getting over the initial shock of the fact that I just spent a large portion of the money I had saved up for my other Graduate Program at Naropa, I got really excited. I committed myself to something. I took action. Finally! I felt as though I was stuck in the thought phase there for awhile and now that I am taking some preparatory online classes and taking notes again its wonderful. I really feel as though my profession should just be life long student. School is where I am most at home, learning is what I am good at. So by July I will have the tools and skills to give advice on any health concerns, which is far too exciting to even put into words. So if any of you have any questions...throw them my way!

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