Monday, September 21, 2009


After years of not focusing on myself, I am being forced to have to actually focus on what I want. I think it is amazing how we can go through life comparing ourselves to others and trying to live up to others' expectations. Suddenly out of college and spending the past couple of years of my life meditating and doing yoga, I realize everything I was doing was just to look like a perfect person without even asking myself if I wanted to be doing what I'm doing. The funny thing about it though is that the yoga world is what brought me to all these realizations. It was both my savior and my downfall.

Thus, I have re-committed myself and I am trying to do yoga every single day and I can find myself realizing things about myself that I have ignored for years. It is hard to look at yourself and actually realize who you are and that your perception of yourself doesn't match up. So what do you believe? The person you show the world or the person you internally believe you are? I have no answers quite yet...but the first step is to ask the questions.

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