Thursday, September 3, 2009

O Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Please Shine Down on me....

I didn't do much today...which is rare for me but it is probably a good thing that I begin to learn how to slow down every once and awhile. I wanted to share the best part of my day though.

I have been cleaning my room most of the day and throwing out a lot of clothes that are years old. I was filled with dust, which I could also feel in my lungs hah. I had yet to take a step outside, so I dropped everything I was doing and went into my backyard. My backyard is filled with a lot grass and trees and about 6 bird feeders (birds became my mom's fascination after I left for college). We now have regular visitors from birds, squirrels, turkey's, rabbits, deer, and chipmunks...I don't know what her friends are going to do when she moves out of this house.

Anyways, I walked straight into an area where the sun was clearly shining and plopped myself down on the grass and stared up at the leaves on this enormous tree in the middle of the yard. All of a sudden, things just seemed so incredibly simple...air, birds, breeze, ants crawling on my arms, and flies flying around my ears. It was the simplest clearest moment I have had in awhile...which makes me realize how I complicate life to no end when things naturally are simple and maybe it is just in human nature to search for more. Why is it so hard to accept the simplicity of life?


  1. We live in such a hectic world everyone has to be somewhere, someone always in a rush, deadlines to meet, we don't have time for our family, we don't have much time for anything. Sometimes we just need to slow down and make time for ourselves. Stop and enjoy the simplicities of life, reconnect.

  2. Always try to stop and smell the roses!!!
