Friday, September 11, 2009

Purpose...its that little flame that lights a fire under your...

I haven't felt a sense of purpose in a long time. I kind of got off track there for awhile because life got a little overwhelming. My last year of college I remember creating plans for myself to do social action through theatre, thus combining my theatre and my psychology degrees. Some where and some how I forgot that I wanted to do this. I suddenly remember what drew me to the somatic counseling psychology program at Naropa. It was a program that seamlessly involved being in one's body (what an actor has to do on stage) and learning about human nature. The program is naturally theatrical in nature and that is why I loved it so much because being involved in just psychology drains me and being in just theatre drives me nuts haha. I need both, they both keep me stable. I get the opportunity to be at peace while in front of others who need my ear to listen and then the theatrical side brings out my truly passionate and cheery nature.

I had an interview this afternoon to be the House Manager/Event Planner for a theatre near me. I haven't interviewed for a job I really want in a long time, but let me say.... I really want this job. I know I'd be perfect for it and that it would give me a purpose and make me feel as though I am contributing something to this world again. Do you ever leave an interview and remember about 10 million other things you should have told the person interviewing you about how perfect you would be for this position? Welp, as soon as I got into the car I was like damn it I should have told them about this and that and I did this too! O well....hopefully what I said was enough.

Afterward I continued on to Whole Foods, which I must say was a magical experience. I have been missing the opportunity to buy things in bulk (because ultimately it is cheaper and you can buy as little or as much as you want). Thus, it has been a pretty wonderful day...haven't had one of those in awhile...lets keep it up shall we?

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck on getting your dream job! If you felt that way about it, I'm sure that came through in the interview so I wouldn't worry! :o). Plus, you can always mention some of the key things you left out in the thank you letter-I've done that before.
