Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When I grow up I wanna be...

I think back to when I was a kid when someone would ask my little self, "Stephanie, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I believe my various answers included horse trainer, fashion producer (I spent a lot of time pretending I could sketch dresses), and who knows what else. As I grew older, theatre became my continuous answer. I remember screaming at my mother when I was a teenager when she was trying to tell me how difficult it is to actually make a living in the theatre industry. "I don't care!!! I'm going to be in theatre whether you like it or not!" Like she really had anything to do with me "making it" in the business.

Now 23 years old, I'm literally stumped. I spent my entire college career going back and forth from loving psychology and then to being obsessed with theatre and now I truly don't know if I want to do either. Going into undergraduate school should really be postponed until an 18 year old has some time off from school and can explore what they truly like at a younger age. Therefore, we might eliminate the whole experience of wholy crap I'm finally out of school after 22 years of being in school and what the hell do I do with myself now. I would do undergraduate all over again if I could. All I want to do right now is go back to school.

I was reading a book the other day on everything an adult has probably forgotten since high school. It covered every topic from history to something as simple as recess hah. Now, I was never a science fan growing up, but suddenly protons and neutrons seemed interesting to me. So what am I supposed to do when suddenly everything in the whole world seems like an interesting and worth while pursuit. My friend referred to my brain as a sponge again, ready and open to absorb any and all information I want to put into it. Its only been a year out of college and I think I was bored out of my mind last year being out of school and no matter what activities I filled my day with I truly miss a classroom setting.

So how did you figure it out? That one thing that makes your heart sing? And how the hell did you get there???


  1. My suggestion would be to find a good career coach! You will have passions - which may not be obvious to you at the moment. They will(should) change! That's normal. It really will be worth it if you can't figure it all out on your own or with friends and family.


    Dorothy Dalton

  2. My brain is a sponge and always has been! The way I figured it out was to go to school for what I *thought* I wanted to do and after a year of trying (without any luck) to find a job in that field, went back to school for a somewhat related field. Once graduating, I found a job in that field 5 months after graduating and am still employed at that same company 21 years later.

    My advice for you would be to focus on something you REALLY like to do. If you don't like what you do, then nothing else matters IMO. There's nothing worse than trudging to work every day hating every minute of it- no matter how much the job pays. I knew at a young age that I would somehow be using my natural born talents to make a living with. I love what I do. It's challenging, but not too much and I learn something new every single week, sometimes more frequently, and I LOVE learning new things.

    What are you really good at and love to do? Start there and make a list of all the career options that match that criteria. Hope you get it figured out!!

  3. If you can go to back to school if you love learning.
    Follow your passion. You are young and it takes some people a lifetime to figure that out what they want to do with their lives. It will come to you, just follow your heart.
