Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Right of Way

My funny haha moment of the day: I was in the car driving to the yoga joint to work for the night shift. I stopped at a stop sign and since I was in no hurry told the person across from me that they could go first. They happily waved me on first and thus I went and thanked them with a flash of my hand. As I drove off onto the highway I wondered....where did these hand signals come from? Why is a simple gesture with the hand tell someone they can go first...why am I not waving about in my car and that would mean please go ahead of me? And then the thank you signal...it looks like I'm giving the other person an air high five. Like, "Thanks for letting me go first! High five!" I was literally laughing at myself in the car while I was thinking of this.

There are signals all around us all the time. It is just a matter of paying attention to them. When I was living in Burlington I felt like I was constantly getting feedback, from whatever you want to call it, that I was in the right place at the right time. For example, right after I had started seeing a new meditation teacher, I was in the grocery store and had forgotten to snap off a piece of ginger. I ran to go get some and I bumped into her right as she entered the store. It is these little things that tell us that you and someone else are on the same journey and will affect each other in profound ways, unbeknown to you as of that moment. A lot of these little situations happened to me in VT and I am curious why they aren't happening to me now that I've left. Am I not paying attention or am I just really out of tune with everything right now?

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