Saturday, August 15, 2009

Back farts

So my goal these days is to turn my negative thoughts around and to always see the silver lining in everything. I am a certified yoga instructor but I haven't done yoga in about a month because I didn't want to be "in tune" with myself haha. That being said, I am feeling as though I am ready to get back on track and I went to the most amazing yoga class this morning. Its incredible that a teacher can tell you to "find your ground" and all of a sudden I'm associating those words to my entire life. "Right Stephanie...find your ground...became stable like a tree and go back to your roots." or slow down and go into this pose at your own pace and suddenly I'm thinking, "that's right Stephanie slow down! What is the rush with everything, just go with the flow, be a curious student of life." I then have to laugh at myself for the words that our coming out of my head and come back to the present moment of the fact that I am in a yoga class, sweating profusely, and having a good time.

The best part of the whole class was the fact that I was sweating so much that when I went to go down to do cobra pose and bend backwards, I had so much sweat running down my back that when I bent back my shoulder muscles farted while being pressed together. I mean this was the grossest funniest sound I think I have ever heard my body make and I couldn't help but smile. It is truly the little things in life that bring us back from the dramatic chatter in our heads. I find myself becoming so serious and dramatic, like I'm playing a movie of the events currently happening, and I completely forget to laugh.

Because really what do I truly have to worry I am still living, still breathing, and the sun shining, and I'm young and still have so much life left to live. I have my health, and good friends, and a wonderfully dysfunctional funny family, and a good head on my shoulders. Now the only task is to remember wonder people get tattoos...easy a permanent post-it note.

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