Friday, August 14, 2009

Creatures of habit

I wake up every morning and do the same exact thing over and over again:

1. Wash my face
2. Drink a glass of water
3. Make my oatmeal
4. Eat breakfast and check the news/e-mails
5. Go work-out (anything from the gym to yoga)
6. Eat a bowl of cereal
7. Shower

Then I start my day. Why is it we are creatures of habit? Most people have a morning routine even if it rushed and hurried out the least they do it every day. There is something comfortable about it. That anything could happen all day long but I have some semblance of control over my morning and thus over my life perhaps. But, why is it that control has become the newest hot commodity. You hear people say, "o that person is so out of control with their life." (followed by an eye roll)...why is that we view people that are seemingly "out of control" as a bad thing. Maybe they are having the time of their lives letting life take them whichever way the wind blows.

For someone (me) who has liked organization and a little bit (or a lot a bit) of control over their lives I have envied those who can just "go with the flow." I have always admired those that when bad things happen they can take it all in stride saying, "whats meant to be will be." I usually dwell and then analyze and then ruminate some more over events of the past that I have no control over anymore and thus should really let go and "processing" anything that's happen won't really change the fact that they happened. I'm being elusive aren't I? I guess I am speaking in generalizations so that people can relate to what I'm talking about, although we all know by now the things that I am going through (as a reminder change of life plans and a bad break-up).

I suppose the more routine our lives become the less we have to over think our actions but when something truly unexpected comes our way....are we ever really ready for it?

1 comment:

  1. I believe we are but we also have the ability to create whatever habits we want in our lives. We have the ability change them. If we create habits that will ultimately improve us as people and make this world a better place, then I am glad to be a creature of habit.

    Beyond the daily habitual tasks like showering, etc. More importantly, we develop habits in how we react to situations and to those around us. Once we become aware of those habits we can turn them into habits that will actually help us succeed rather then habits that keep us from moving forward.
